The object of the competition launched by the Municipality of Castelfiorentino is to renovate Piazza Grandi, one of the main vehicular access points to the town; a very lively place as far as concerne commercial and social activities, but without a "protected" space typical of an urban square. The proposal focuses on maintaining the main functions that have always historically and economically characterized the square (filter space between Via Sant'Antonio and Via Profeti and civic function of relationship space in correspondence with commercial and social activities present on site). The project aims to guarantee an optimization of vehicular traffic and to allow the creation of a pedestrian area directly connected with commercial activities and capable of restoring adequate livability of the square. The design of the floors and the color of the chosen materials allows an adequate urbanistic insertion, creating a clear and visible, even if not tangible, distinction between the functions present.
Competition for ideas Piazza Achille Grandi Castelfiorentino
Architecture: Eidos Service & Consulting, Arch. Marco Bellucci
Collaboration: Arch. Giulia Ciampolini, Dott. Arch. Michelangelo Gadducci